
Do you know what the "Transition Year" in Ireland?

To visit Ireland is to venture into a distant past and live in an exciting present!


Ireland's education system differs from many other countries, including Spain, in its focus on the Transition Year, which was introduced in September 1994. It is a unique programme, which takes place between the end of the third year and the beginning of the fifth year of secondary education. The main objective is to provide students with a more comprehensive and diverse educational experience, enabling them to better prepare for university or the world of work. It is a course aimed at maturing, engaging in self-directed learning, exploring various alternatives for the future and choosing academic subjects for the upper cycle.

Activities and studies during the Transition Year focus education on creativity, experimentation and self-responsibility as a member of the community. The programme allows students to discover a wide variety of subjects, skills and extracurricular work in a less academic environment. Students can participate in public speaking courses to improve their oral expression and overcome the shyness of public speaking, creative writing, audiovisual production, first aid, cooking, self-defence, fashion, science, etc. They can also choose sports such as climbing, hiking, horse riding, sailing or motor sports and orienteering courses in nature. In addition, they have the opportunity to volunteer, go on study trips or attend conferences. It is a way to encourage students to discover new passions and skills that can influence their educational decisions.

This educational initiative also helps students develop essential skills such as time management, teamwork and assertive communication. The fact that students focus on activities they are interested in and enjoy helps them to develop their strengths, improve their weaknesses, increase their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Assessment of learning is not done through final exams, as the aim is to reduce academic pressure on students. In this way, they are continuously assessed through projects, portfolios, oral and listening exercises, practical and written activities.

At English Summer S.A. we offer to study an academic year abroad, as it has been proven to be the most effective way to learn a language and live a totally different experience. Through cultural immersion, participants learn to live with different cultures and customs, get to know a different educational system and learn to adapt to new situations. Students can choose to do a term, semester or academic year. We always recommend to do the whole year for a better integration and sensations. We offer different destinations and types of schools in order to adapt to the specific requests of the participants. However, for those who do not yet see the point of being away from home for such a long period of time, we offer summer courses in different destinations, including Limerick and Kilkenny, which are educational programmes designed for students to learn English and enjoy the local culture. In the same way as the Transition Year, these courses give students the opportunity to explore different educational and career options, and to mature before making important decisions about their future.

The destinations of Limerick and Kilkenny stand out as two Irish cities with a rich culture and history. They last 2 weeks and take place during the summer months, usually in July. Participants are accompanied by an English Summer S.A. monitor throughout the course and the experience includes English classes taught by native English teachers with experience in teaching English as a foreign language. Students can improve their oral and written comprehension, as well as their ability to communicate in English. In addition, they include social and cultural activities, which allow students to practise the language in a more relaxed and fun environment, while discovering the wonderful Irish culture. The two courses are 15 hours per week, divided into morning and afternoon classes. At the end of the course, they are given a certificate which assesses the level acquired during the stay.

Kilkenny College

Kilkenny is located 135 km south of Dublin. This residential college is known for its modern facilities. It is also an ancient medieval capital, a city with a population of 20,000 people proud of its history and traditions with tourist attractions such as Kilkenny Castle, St. Canice's Cathedral and the National Puppet Museum of Ireland. An ideal setting for young students (11-15 years old), who want to experience Irish culture while learning English. In addition to afternoons dedicated to specialised activities, students will enjoy a social programme full of excursions to places of historical and cultural interest, local visits, sports, activities and games.


Limerick is a city about 2.5 hours from Dublin. It is Ireland's third largest city, known for its Viking origins and interesting history. The facilities offered by the University are ideal for sporty students (11-17 years old), including an Olympic size swimming pool, a climbing wall and a multitude of sports courts. On this course, students can choose to take an additional 5 hours of English per week, at no extra cost, instead of 2 activities. Different leisure and sporting activities are organised every day, and the course includes two full day excursions on Thursdays and Sundays, and a city tour of Limerick every Monday.

Visiting Ireland with the help of English Summer instructors means venturing into a distant past and living in an exciting present!
