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July, august
Age: from 15 to 18 years
July, august
Age: from 15 to 18 years
Pictures from the house
Location and sorroundings

Students in these summer courses in Canada stay with local families in residential areas, usually on the outskirts of large cities. All families are strictly supervised by members of the organization. A maximum of two students can be accommodated in each house, always with the same level of English and always of a different nationality. Each student will have their own room (unless they are two students traveling together and want to share a room) and will share the bathroom with the rest of the family.

The laundry is done by the host family and is done once a week (it is advisable to bring enough clothes), make sure that the clothes can be washed at 40 degrees and use a dryer.

Students are encouraged to come prepared for the good and bad weather and bring enough warm clothes. Summers are not very predictable! It is recommended that the student takes about € 100 per week as pocket money.

The student is required to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with the host family. In case any student does not respect these rules he will receive a reprimand from the organization.