
Boat competition and Dumbo film in Bournemouth

Hi families!

Yesterday the weather in Bournemouth was not good at all. For that reason the activities programmed for the evening and afternoon were carried out indoor. We made a challenge in which we had to build a boat by teams. The main goal was to prevent the boat from sinking despite the weight added by introducing coins and stones.


It was very hard to decide which team was the winner since all the boats were incredibly resistant!


At the end of the day, we watched the new film of Dumbo while eating popcorn!


See you tomorrow!

Hola familias! Ayer el clima en Bournemouth no era bueno del todo. Por esa razón, las actividades programadas para la tarde y la noche se llevaron a cabo en interiores. Hicimos un desafío en el que tuvimos que construir un bote por equipos. El objetivo principal era evitar que el bote se hundiera a pesar del peso agregado al introducir monedas y piedras. ¡Fue muy difícil decidir qué equipo era el ganador ya que todos los barcos eran increíblemente resistentes! Al final del día, ¡vimos la nueva película de Dumbo mientras comíamos palomitas de maíz! ¡Hasta mañana!

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